Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Saint Anne's Church

We got to sing in St. Anne's Church near Bethesda.  The acoustics are amazing.  Make sure you watch until 2:22 into the video when Pastor Scott sings the Lord's Prayer!

The Garden Tomb!

Sorry about Rick being in the shadow, but it makes the tomb stand out!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Day 8 - Western Wall, St. Anne's Church at Bethesda, City of David, Garden Tomb

The Western Wall

Original Herodian Stone of the Western Wall underneath the Muslim Quarter

Prayers left at the point closest to the Holy of Holies at the Western Wall

Pools at Bethesda

View from the "City of David"

Walls of the City of David's Jerusalem - stones at the bottom are probably Nehemiah's Wall!!

Golgatha - the place of the skull (Crucifixion Site)

At the tomb

The Tomb

Just for Fun!!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Day 7 - Masada, En Gedi, Qumran, Dead Sea Swim, and Camel Rides

Some chose to "hike" up Masada

The hikers on Snake Pass

Our view from the cable car ride up to Masada

The first climbers to arrive to the top... The Grovers!

View on top of Masada

The Ancient Jewish Stronghold of Masada

Beautiful Hills of En Gedi - where King David hid 

Momma Ibex hanging out on a rock at En Gedi

Qumran Cave where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found

Cooling off in the Dead Sea

 Our fearless leaders

View of the Judaen Desert from dinner tonight

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Day 6 - Yad Va Shem, Old City Jerusalem, Eastern Gate, Western Wall

Yad Va Shem - Holocaust Museum

Statue at Yad Va Shem

The Zion Gate in Old City Jerusalem

What an "Upper Room" would look like - Water Basins

Eran teaching us on the steps of the Eastern Wall

Rick teaching on the actual stone to the entrance of the Temple... 
where Jesus would have passed through as he entered the Temple

Gretchen and Ben Miller on the entrance stone

A view of the Temple