Thursday, October 10, 2013

Day 3 - Capernaum, Peter's Primacy, Mount of Beatitudes, Migdal, Sea of Galilee, and Jordan River Baptisms

Our Group on the bank of the Sea of Galilee:

View of the Sea of Galilee from the Mt. of Beatitudes:

Peter's Mother-In-Law's House at Capernaum:

First Century Synagogue being excavated in Migdal:

Our boat on the Sea of Galilee

The Jones Family was among the 18 people baptized in the Jordan River today:

Day 2 - Caesarea Maritima, Mount Carmel, Meggido, & Nazareth Village

Caesarea by the Sea - overlooking the ampitheather:

Pastor Rick Teaching in the Theater at Caesarea:

Mount Carmel's View of Jezreel Valley (Battle of Armageddon)

The Ruins of Megiddo:

Pastor Bobby Teaching us at Nazareth Village: